Sunday, August 18, 2013

Bennett's Honey Farm

...and onto Bennett's Honey Farm! What a secret (well, maybe not so secret??) gem of Bardsdale! I've been pretty vocal about my concern for the bee population as a whole. I'm worried about their loss of desire to pollinate, the mass bee deaths across the world, and just how important these little critters are to all aspects of life. They are quite special insects. 

The sign on the street said "Honey Tasting Room" and if it was anything like a wine tasting, then I was prepared (and excited) to get honey wasted. It did not disappoint, that's for sure.

Cute front of the business
Don't mind if I do!

They had seven different honeys that you could taste. Just had to grab a little spoon and move yourself down the line. It's amazing how the honey taste what the bee pollinates and I kept thinking of all the different foods that I wanted to make with the honey.

There are some debate on whether vegans can eat honey. Techincally it's an animal byproduct but bees aren't really killed for honey or need honey in their lives to survive. I love honey - so I eat it. Simple as that.

Seven different flavors to taste
Eucalyptus, avocado, wildflower, buckwheat, clover, sage, and orange!

My favorite honeys were the eucalyptus and the wildflower and Amy's favorite were the clover and avocado, but all seven were very, very tasty. 

We ended up buying 4 1lb jars of honey for only $5.25 each, which is a steal since honey at the supermarket is usually much more for much less. This honey is also organic and sourced through local beekeepers in California. If anybody is interested, I can also get you a 12 lb bucket for $44.00!!

Work bees "I'm bizzy!"
'bee'ing cool 
Hard to miss when you're on Honey Lane
The trip to Bardsdale ended up being super successful. With the Farm Fresh To You tour and the honey tasting, the trip up north was worth it. It's been nice to get out of the marine layer that has engulfed the South Bay all summer and actually feel some real heat and see the sunshine. 



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