Friday, May 3, 2013

So I bought a juicer...

and I'm in love. It's like having a sex-slave. Always there when you need it and immensely satisfying.

Since purchasing the Jack Lalanne Ultimate Power Juicer from Costsco ($89) last Sunday. I have used it every single day. It legit is the easiest kitchen appliance to use and put to good use all of the vegetables and fruits I had lying around that were on the verge of spoil.

Trust me - you will never waste fruits and veggies ever again if you have a juicer. Mark my words!!

Last night, I'll admit, I went a little crazy and made a "garbage" juice that from now on I will refer to in a nicer term as a "compost" juice, because let's be real - there is no way in hell this would ever be considered garbage.

And below are the fruits (pun intended) of my labor!

1 orange - 2 apples - 7 strawberries - 10 tomatoes
1 cucumber - 4 celery - 4 broccoli - 1 bussel of kale
1 beet - 4 carrots - 1 piece of ginger - FINAL JUICE
All eleven ingredients went into the surprisingly light beverage that I enjoyed early this morning on my drive into work. My favorite ingredient is the ginger, that peeks it's spicy little head out as the after bite. The beets and carrots give it extraordinary color, and the kale and cucumber provide much needed refreshment in what one might think is a very fruity beverage with the strawberries, orange, and apples.

My ego is telling me I did a great job. And I agree with it.



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