Thursday, June 20, 2013

Vegan Soyrizo, White Peach, and Caramelized Onion Pizza

I want to cut to the chase - this pizza was amazing and so simple to make. Pizza dough usually scares the bejeezers out of me, but I could not have been more satisfied with how this dish turned out. The best part is that you really don't need that many ingredients and of course pizza dough is the best vessel for almost all toppings. There will be a lot more pizza in my near, near future, especially since it's incredibly easy to keep vegan.


  • fresh&easy whole wheat pizza dough
  • Soyrizo
  • Vegan shredded cheese, mozzarella style
  • White peaches
  • White onion
  • Cilantro
  • Olive Oil
So few ingredients!

1. First and foremost, preheat your oven to 450°F or whatever temperature your dough suggests you to use and also let your dough come to room temperature.

2. Then take one large white onion and slice and dice into manageable pieces. I cut mine into rings, then into fourths. They break down and shrink quite a bit in the pan, so whatever you're comfortable with for size works.
"There's no crying in onion cutting!" - A League of Their Own

3. Toss your onions into a pan with about a teaspoon or so of olive oil. Make sure all of your onions are completely coated with oil. Turn your heat down to medium, medium low as you do not want the onions to burn. Stir every few minutes for about 10 minutes.

Caramelized onions. Ready to devour.

4. While the onions are caramelizing, slice your white peaches into slivers. I cut mine in half, took the pit out and did a close dice. But I would not be offended if the pieces were cubed or slightly chunkier.

Another amazing fruit from our Farm Fresh To You box
5. Once the onions are done, remove from your pan and set aside. Take another pan and spray with a non-stick spray or olive oil. I used half of my package, but it depends on how large you want to make your pizza. Turn your heat to high and just stir periodically. The package said to just cook until warmed all the way through and to your desired crispiness. It took a bit longer than I expected (about 10 minutes) to start forming any sort of crust, and ended up keeping it on the heat for about 15 minutes. 

Fake chorizo never looked so good.

6. While my soyrizo was cooking away, I took my dough to begin to make the pizza shape. I lightly flowered my surface and just used my hands to spread out until it was about 12 inches in diameter. It was much easier than I expected and was nervous because I do not own a rolling pin and rarely ever handle dough. But overall - I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of this fresh&easy dough (and it was only $1.79!!)

Not too shabby

7. I transfered my pizza dough to my largest baking sheet lined with tin foil just so it wouldn't stick. I lightly oiled the top of the dough and ended up just dabbing it with paper towel to pick up the excess. I piled on all of the toppings in this order: 1) caramelized onions 2) vegan cheese 3) soyrizo 4) white peaches 5) cilantro

Ready for the oven

8. After 12 minutes in the oven (the package said 8-10 minutes, but I like a slightly crispier crust) the pizza was ready to come out of the oven!!!

Pizza time! Cowabunga!!


The crust was crunchy, the body was soft with a crusty bottom, aka the perfect crust. The caramelized onions seeped into that dough and created the sweet sauce the perfectly complimented all other toppings. I almost forgot they were onions! The soy cheese melted like regular shredded cheese and tasted pretty spot on in comparison to mozzarella. The soyrizo was salty to balance with the onions and peaches and offered that meaty bite that is needed. The peaches were the best part - not only did they hold their shape but they were soft and warm and when you took a bite that has soyrizo and peaches it amazing. The cilantro was just a great addition and added a pop of color.

Not only was the pizza completely vegan but it blows regular pizza out of the water. I bet if non-vegans had a chance to try this pizza they would not be able to tell the swaps, which to me is a major success.

Okay, now that my mouth has stopped watering. I'm getting out of here.



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